Go: how to connect to a CloudSQL instance (MySQL) over SSL
If you read my previous article, you’ve noticed that I connect to a CloudSQL instance (running MySQL) to load some CSV files into tables.
What if that instance, in particular, is configured to accept only secure connections ( SSL)?
We could connect to it using the MySQL client, after configuring cloud_sql_proxy, like this:
mysql -u <USER> -p -D <DATABASE> -h <HOST> --ssl-ca=<PATH/TO/server-ca.pem> --ssl-cert=<PATH/TO/client-cert.pem> --ssl-key=<PATH/TO/client-key.pem>
In this article, we’ll see how to do the same in a Go script.
The code
This is our file structure:
- ssl_client_certs: here we store the three .pem files needed to connect over SSL: server-ca.pem, client-cert.pem and client-key.pem;
- ping_database.json: this is the configuration file used in order to avoid hardcoded values in our source code;
- ping_database.go: this is the Go script that will connect to our CloudSQL instance and try to ping it.
Configuration file
"db": {
"user": "<USER>",
"pass": "<PASSWORD>",
"schema": "<SCHEMA>",
"port": "<PORT>",
"host": "<HOST>",
"timeout": "5s",
"certs": {
"clientCert": "<PATH/TO/client-cert.pem>",
"clientKey": "<PATH/TO/client-key.pem",
"serverCa": "<PATH/TO/server-ca.pem",
"serverName": "<PROJECT>:<INSTANCE_NAME>"
Go script
This script shows how to connect to a CloudSQL instance over SSL.
It reads json configuration filed named 'ping_database.json'.
author: Tiago Melo (tiagoharris@gmail.com)
package main
import (
type Certs struct {
ClientCert string `json: "clientCert"`
ClientKey string `json: "clientKey"`
ServerCa string `json: "serverCa"`
ServerName string `json: "serverName"`
type Db struct {
User string `json: "user"`
Pass string `json: "pass"`
Schema string `json: "schema"`
Port string `json: "port"`
Host string `json: "host"`
Timeout string `json: "timeout"`
Certs Certs `json: "certs"`
type Config struct {
Db Db `json: "db"`
var config = Config{}
var configJsonFileName = "ping_database.json"
func checkError(message string, err error) {
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v %v\n", message, err)
func readConfiguration() {
file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configJsonFileName)
checkError(fmt.Sprintf("Error reading file %s: ", configJsonFileName), err)
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(file), &config)
checkError(fmt.Sprintf("File %s is not a valid JSON: ", configJsonFileName), err)
// To connect to a MySQL instance over SSL, three files are required:
// server-ca.pem, client-cert.pem and client-key.pem
// This function creates a TLS config under the name of 'custom'
func setupTLSConfig() {
rootCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
pem, err := ioutil.ReadFile(config.Db.Certs.ServerCa)
if err != nil {
checkError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to append PEM file %s: ", config.Db.Certs.ServerCa), err)
if ok := rootCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(pem); !ok {
checkError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to append PEM file %s: ", config.Db.Certs.ServerCa), errors.New("call to 'rootCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM' failed"))
clientCert := make([]tls.Certificate, 0, 1)
certs, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(config.Db.Certs.ClientCert, config.Db.Certs.ClientKey)
if err != nil {
checkError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to load key par %s and %s: ", config.Db.Certs.ClientCert, config.Db.Certs.ClientKey), err)
clientCert = append(clientCert, certs)
mysql.RegisterTLSConfig("custom", &tls.Config{
RootCAs: rootCertPool,
Certificates: clientCert,
ServerName: config.Db.Certs.ServerName,
func ping() {
fmt.Printf("Pinging database host %s... ", config.Db.Host)
// Here we pass the TLS config created ('custom') and a timeout
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?tls=custom&timeout=%s", config.Db.User, config.Db.Pass, config.Db.Host, config.Db.Port, config.Db.Schema, config.Db.Timeout))
defer db.Close()
checkError("Error getting a handle to the database:", err)
// Once that we get the handle, let's try to ping the database
err = db.Ping()
checkError("Error establishing a connection to the database:", err)
func main() {
Running it
In order to successfully connect to the CloudSQL instance, remember to:
1) get server-ca.pem, client-cert.pem and client-key.pem for the desired instance
2) authorize your IP address:
With everything in place, you should be able to ping the database:
$ go run ping_database.go
Pinging database host <DATABASE_HOST>... ok!
Download the source
Here: https://bitbucket.org/tiagoharris/cloudsql_mysql_ssl_tutorial/src/master/