Open source project: go-grpc-bin
Github repo:
Docker official image:
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A gRPC server written in Go that provides a set of utilities that are useful for testing and experimenting with gRPC, such as echoing messages, simulating errors, and streaming responses.
Official Docker image:
available gRPC Services
Returns the received message back to the client. -
Retrieves the metadata (headers) from the incoming context and returns it. -
Simulates returning a specific status code. If the status code is an error, it returns an error with that code. -
Sends multiple responses back to the client, simulating a server-side streaming RPC. -
Allows both the client and server to send messages in a bidirectional streaming RPC. -
Simulates a delay before returning the response. -
Receives a stream of binary data and simulates an upload operation. -
Sends a stream of binary data back to the client, simulating a file download. -
Simulates an error based on the request. -
Echoes back the received message and metadata. -
Processes the input string according to a specified transformation type (e.g., reversing the string). -
Simulates compression by compressing the data using gzip before returning it.
running the server
docker run --rm -p <PORT>:<PORT> tiagoharris/go-grpc-bin -p <PORT>
make run PORT=<PORT>
example gRPC requests
using grpcurl
- Echo:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"message": "Hello, gRPC!"}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/Echo { "message": "Hello, gRPC!" }
- GetMetadata:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -H "custom-header: value" -d '{}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/GetMetadata { "metadata": { ":authority": "<SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT>", "content-type": "application/grpc", "custom-header": "value", "grpc-accept-encoding": "gzip", "user-agent": "grpcurl/1.9.1 grpc-go/1.61.0" } }
- StatusCode:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"code": 3}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/StatusCode
Code: InvalidArgument
Message: Simulated error
- StreamingEcho:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"message": "Hello, Streaming!"}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/StreamingEcho
"message": "0: Hello, Streaming!"
"message": "1: Hello, Streaming!"
"message": "2: Hello, Streaming!"
"message": "3: Hello, Streaming!"
"message": "4: Hello, Streaming!"
- BidirectionalEcho:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d @ <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/BidirectionalEcho
{ "message": "message one" }
"message": "message one"
{ "message": "message two" }
"message": "message two"
{ "message": "message three" }
"message": "message three"
- DelayedResponse:
$ time grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"message": "Wait for it...", "delaySeconds": "5"}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/DelayedResponse
"message": "Wait for it..."
real 0m5.029s
user 0m0.013s
sys 0m0.011s
- Upload:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"data": "Q2h1bmsgMQ=="}' -d '{"data": "Q2h1bmsgMg=="}' -d '{"data": "Q2h1bmsgMw=="}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/Upload
"message": "Upload completed"
- Download:
$ time grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"filename": "example.txt"}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/Download
"data": "VGhpcyA="
"data": "aXMgc28="
"data": "bWUgdGU="
"data": "c3QgZGE="
"data": "dGEgZm8="
"data": "ciBkb3c="
"data": "bmxvYWQ="
"data": "Lg=="
real 0m4.040s
user 0m0.016s
sys 0m0.016s
- SimulateError:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"code": 13, "message": "Simulated internal error"}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/SimulateError
Code: Internal
Message: Simulated internal error
- Mirror:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -H "custom-header: value" -d '{"message": "Echo this back!"}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/Mirror
"message": "Echo this back!",
"metadata": {
":authority": "<SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT>",
"content-type": "application/grpc",
"custom-header": "value",
"grpc-accept-encoding": "gzip",
"user-agent": "grpcurl/1.9.1 grpc-go/1.61.0"
- Transform:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"input": "reverse this", "transformation_type": "reverse"}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/Transform
"output": "siht esrever"
- CompressionTest:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"data": "Compress this data"}' <SERVER_HOST>:<SERVER_PORT> grpcbin.GRPCBin/CompressionTest
"compressedData": "H4sIAAAAAAAA/3LOzy0oSi0uVijJyCxWSEksSQQEAAD//5A1G6cSAAAA"
using custom Go client
- Echo:
$ go run examples/echo/echo.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
echo response: Hello, gRPC!
- GetMetadata:
$ go run examples/get_metadata/get_metadata.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
metadata response: map[:authority:localhost:4444 content-type:application/grpc test-key:test-value user-agent:grpc-go/1.65.0]
- StatusCode:
$ go run examples/status_code/status_code.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
StatusCode response: Simulated error
- StreamingEcho:
$ go run examples/streaming_echo/streaming_echo.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
StreamingEcho response: 0: Hello, Streaming!
StreamingEcho response: 1: Hello, Streaming!
StreamingEcho response: 2: Hello, Streaming!
StreamingEcho response: 3: Hello, Streaming!
StreamingEcho response: 4: Hello, Streaming!
- BidirectionalEcho:
$ go run examples/bidirectional_echo/bidirectional_echo.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
BidirectionalEcho response: First message
BidirectionalEcho response: Second message
BidirectionalEcho response: Third message
- DelayedResponse:
$ time go run examples/delayed_response/delayed_response.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
DelayedResponse: Delayed Hello!
real 0m3.804s
user 0m0.383s
sys 0m0.367s
- Upload:
$ time go run examples/upload/upload.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
Upload reply: Upload completed
real 0m3.097s
user 0m0.359s
sys 0m0.396s
- Download:
$ time go run examples/download/download.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
Downloaded file data: This is some test data for download.
real 0m4.656s
user 0m0.381s
sys 0m0.325s
- SimulateError:
$ go run examples/simulate_error/simulate_error.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
SimulateError: Simulated internal server error
- Mirror:
$ go run examples/mirror/mirror.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
Mirror response: Hello, Mirror!
Mirror metadata: map[:authority:localhost:4444 content-type:application/grpc key:value user-agent:grpc-go/1.65.0]
- Transform:
$ go run examples/transform/transform.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
Transform response: !mrofsnarT ,olleH
- CompressionTest:
$ go run examples/compression/compression.go --serverHost=localhost:4444
Uncompressed data: Hello, Compression!
unit tests
make test
make coverage
contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.